Chain of Information portal dedicated to supply chain transparency and sustainability is now available online

We are extremely proud and thrilled to announce the launch of Chain of Information: this portal, active since 2019 and so far only available for consultation by our suppliers, is now available online for all stakeholders interested in learning more about the corporate ESG issues that Italpreziosi has always been a spokesperson for.

The main purpose of the website is to share all information on due diligence and sustainability in order to present a transparent account of the processes closely linked to our supply chain. The decision to offer this information to everyone reveals Italpreziosi's constant commitment to the ongoing construction of a responsible and sustainable supply chain path, already supported by the voluntary reporting of the Sustainability Report.


Ivana Ciabatti's statement

From the words of our CEO, the importance of this project comes out: "through the usability of the Chain of Information site by all stakeholders, we want to confirm once again our will to activate a constant, transparent and long-term information flow, so that through the implementation of these principles we can stimulate greater transparency in the supply chain, with the aim of pursuing responsible commitment both inside and outside the company.".

Inside the portal, the user will be able to enjoy a multitude of up-to-date multimedia content and documents on the following topics:

  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) guidelines on due diligence for the supply chain in high-risk areas;
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN 2030 Agenda and implemented by Italpreziosi, with particular attention to goal number 5, the achievement of gender equality, and to the goals focused on climate change, in particular number 13;
  • Sustainability Report, which in addition to framing the company's governance model and values, reports on the economic, environmental and social impact caused by the company's daily work;
  • LBMA due diligence toolkit, a tool created for refiners, but useful in creating Know Your Counterparty (KYC) process documents;
  • RJC due diligence toolkit, dedicated to Responsible Jewellery Council members and those interested in joining;
  • Working with ASM, Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining, relating to supply chain processes that meet special enhanced due diligence parameters.

Chain of Information is now available in both Italian and English and once again represents the result of the company's ethics and values aimed at constantly raising the awareness of all stakeholders, both direct and indirect, internal and external, in the continuous search for the design of a supply chain that does not merely comply with current regulations and codes, but strives to anticipate them, working proactively in the definition of new quality standards.