Luxury and sustainability: our latest workshop

Luxury and sustainability: our latest workshop
A day dedicated to members of the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030
We are extremely proud to have welcomed the fourth workshop organised by the Watch and Jewellery Initiative 2030 to our beloved Tuscany. On 9 November we gathered in the Borgo di Rondine Cittadella della Pace with the members of the Association and together we dedicated the day to working tirelessly to lay the foundations for a more sustainable future for our industry and beyond.
We chose to host this workshop in the World House of Rondine Cittadella della Pace because of its innate ability to promote sustainability in all its forms. For more than a quarter of a century, in fact, the Association has been committed to reducing global conflicts through peaceful coexistence and rediscovering the person behind the 'enemy'.
Bridges of peace
Creating bridges of peace is a challenge that requires dedication, sacrifice and, above all, courage. The Swallow Method, tested and implemented with passion by the Association, involves young students from war-torn countries. In the Borgo, they start living with other students of the same age who often embody their war enemy. Right from the start, the young people are asked to make an effort to live together peacefully, based on dialogue and the search for proactive social confrontation. In a world deeply marked by conflict and division, the unique experience offered by Rondine becomes a beacon of hope.
The words of Ivana Ciabatti
In extremely delicate times like the ones we are currently experiencing, it becomes more evident than ever that an alliance for sustainability and the common good is not only necessary but urgent. Without peace, there can be no sustainable future.
In a world often marked by tensions and uncertainties, it is imperative to reflect on the unifying force of peace. Ivana Ciabatti, with her enlightening thought, shared words that urge us to seek mutual understanding and to work together to achieve a peaceful future for all and everywhere in the world. Hers was an invitation to overcome barriers and build bridges of dialogue by celebrating diversity for homogenous and sustainable progress.
May our actions cultivate peace at every step and may kindness be our universal language.
The memory of this day also resonates with us thanks to the welcoming words of Italpreziosi's CEO and President of the Rondine Cittadella della Pace Foundation:
"I am very proud and excited to welcome you here, at Rondine Citadel of Peace, and to share with you the experience of this special place and its universal message of Peace. Rondine is an organization that has been working for more than 25 years for the reduction of armed conflicts in the world and wants to provide an answer to the resolution of every conflict through dialogue, trying to break down walls and build bridges. In Rondine, these young people start to live together and develop the courage and the will to confront one with the other, search and discover the reasons for a peaceful coexistence: it is precisely through this kind of dialogue that they discover the person hidden in their enemy. Yesterday’s enemy becomes today’s trip companion. In this way, a new generation is created, and it is prepared to return to the belonging countries with a new mindset, ready to work on conflicts and promote changes. Italpreziosi wants to welcome you here because this little hamlets represents a special place, able to promote sustainability in all its forms. In fact, Rondine is not just a “place” but a “reality” in its own right. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize how peace is a universal treasure crossing all borders and all barriers; its construction is a responsibility that concerns us all. Only indifference is worse than war, and getting used to war itself. The recent news about the Middle East and the outbreak of the crisis are causing concerns and uncertainty all over the world: we are aware that this is a very delicate time for the students here, and that is why we are asking for your cooperation in order to ensure maximum protection for them. Peace is the milestone upon which to build a better future for the next generations. Thank you very much for being here, I hope...indeed I am convinced, that the workshop here in the Citadel of Peace will open your minds and hearts even more. A hug to you all."